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Reply to "Let's try and please raise the standard of the board."

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I am afraid many of you are oblivious to the dangers ahead with the illegal APNU/AFC government in power. Oil dollars will be used to fete a few and suppress the many. It is imperative that we get this government to respect the constitution and hold free elections. Guyana cannot afford another 28 years of PNC rule. We cannot allow our country to be ruined again. I am asking you people to put Guyana first by taking a stand against the illegal regime that uses threats and violence to silence its opponents.

Hogwash, straight out of Freedom House.

The SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE, said to seek the COURTS interpretation of CV. Guyana COURT OF APPEAL  never said the GOV'T is ILLEGAL.

Your the mouthpiece for that infamous house in Sophia. What a bare faced man!

Address what i said, prove the GOV'T is ILLEGAL to date, instead acting like a sissy.

Last edited by Django