Billy Ram Balgobin posted:You want me to prove 34 to 32 = 65? Don't you feel embarrassed at the dismal performance of APNU's lawyers at the CCJ? You people have sunk below low in the Caribbean. Caribbean people, especially educated class with an interest an interest in politics are shocked at what the present government of Guyana is doing to stay in power.
Guyana hit a low when Guyanese arrived in hordes into almost every island in CARICOM, so desperate that the accepted substandard housing, slave wages and cruel treatment from employers and immigration authorities. This happened between 2000-2006.
And during this period Jagdeo was sheltering a major drug dealer wanted by the USA authorities. When the USA sought and received the cooperation of Suriname and T&T Jagdeo burst into hysterical tears screaming that fellow CARICOM nations betrayed Guyana by cooperating with the USA in the kidnapping of a Guyanese citizen. One would think that Roger Khan was an upstanding Guyanese known for his respect for the rule of law, based on this outburst.
Then we have a CARICOM nation where the Minister of Home Affairs and the Police Commissioner were barred from entering the ABC nations because of their open ties to drug dealers, human traffickers and gun runners.
I suggest to you that Guyana lost the respect of the Caribbean long before these recent events. They see Guyana as a nation completely alien to at least pretending to commit to the rule of law as do the other former British colonies in the Caribbean. They see a constitution installed by a dictator that is so riddled with contradictions as to be impossible to implement and they see the two major parties completely unwilling to rectify this issue.
And they see a nation so tribal as both Granger and Jagdeo can well follow Trump and boast that they could commit murder in broad daylight and still command the support of 95% of their bases. No other Caribbean nation, even similarly tribal T&T can pull that off.
Indo Nazis look at your PPP navel and see that the sickness of Guyana began with Burnham and Cheddi, and decades after the death of both men, the nation remains terminally ill because of dishonest and incompetent tribalists.