Stormborn posted:
- Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
I am afraid many of you are oblivious to the dangers ahead with the illegal APNU/AFC government in power. Oil dollars will be used to fete a few and suppress the many. It is imperative that we get this government to respect the constitution and hold free elections. Guyana cannot afford another 28 years of PNC rule. We cannot allow our country to be ruined again. I am asking you people to put Guyana first by taking a stand against the illegal regime that uses threats and violence to silence its opponents.
I do not see the Jagdeo crew as custodians of the state for whom one would with alacrity rush to the polls. The 23 years of their stewardship was awash with crony capitalism, friends and family nepotism and totalized arrogance, disrespect and disinterest in actually doing to work to make our nation livable. Everywhere the people are at the mercy of crooks and natural disaster based on neglect.
They formally introduced a system of patronage in the civil service and made poor black people serfs to the resident minister. Amerindians were completely "otherized" to the point that nits like Dharamlall could verbally abused them before senior ministers and get away with it.
I have no longing for the PPP and carry a similar contempt for the Granger regime. Given the PPP hand picked that slovenly fellow as their candidate we still have Jagdeo pulling a putin on us. The PPP offers no solace.
Was talking earlier to my bro. Wife and him were shining up at Short Hills Mall heading to Guyana for the big gala event next week for awardees.
From what he said, PNC doing some serious ground work for election. Seems all the other stuff we hi-5ing are distractions to keep everyone looking the other way. He told me a lot of stuff which I will not post. I was surprised to hear. As Cain said, squirrel 🐿!!!
My other brother just fielded a Public Health team which arrived in Guyana yesterday and met with Trotman. They will be looking into several issues including mercury and arsenic in the drinking water, byproduct of gold mining.
Who knows, he might also get an award if PNC is returned, even though he supported Frank Anthony.😁