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Reply to "Let's try and please raise the standard of the board."

Drugb posted:
Leonora posted:

i nominate Mars and Stormborn to be Admin Assistants.      

Two of the worst offenders. Mars has been harassing me about goady fuh years until I invited him to suck de goady down. D2 is another scamp man with fraudulent claims about his wealth/education and prowess as a male stud impregnating women far an wide. Not to mention his attacks on Pria Manickchand calling her fat and all kinds of obscene names. Now the same crabdog come here claiming to be above board morally.  

I never lived a life outside the law. You claim to come from a long line of smugglers. Never said I am wealthy. Said I am not hurting for cash. My intellect speaks for itself. I also never bragged about impregnating many women. Said I have two baby mamas, That just happens to be the case and there is no medal given out for that fact.  I did not call Pryia another name th an she deserve. . That i nicknamed her "Plumpy" is self evident." Finegal" was not suitable.  Who called you goadyman knows best. 
