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Reply to "Let's try and please raise the standard of the board."

ksazma posted:

About 15 years ago, a co-worker asked me to write a letter to the president of her HOA because she was being threatened that she did not use the correct shade of paint when she repainted the outside of her house. Although she had even showed them the receipt that she bought the correct paint, they kept insisting that it does not match the previous paint. This was because they were not considering the fade factor of the previous paint. Eventually they summoned her for a meeting with the board as they insisted that they were at an impasse. As everyone began introducing themselves, one man stated that he was the President of the HOA. With surprise in her voice, she asked, "wait, you are the person who has been sending me all these threatening messages? Your yard is one of the worst in this community" Nothing got resolved at that meeting but they never bothered her again about that paint job. There are possibly some like that HOA president around here.

What the hell are you talking about? Common decorum is a character trait not money, elegance or hypocrisy. It is who a person presents themselves to be. This place is a terrible reflection of who we are. It is a den of racists of the kind one see the nation complaining about that showed their faces in Charlottsville.

It is no easy thing for any of half a dozen persons here to casually mouth t the phrase "black man can't run a cakeshop" and say it with the earnestness of one reciting a passage from a holy book.  I saw it on the board even today! I have no qualms like Drug B saying my wife is black and I have a son who is black. I know for sure that both do not think of running cakeshops. That is setting the bar a bit too low.  

That is who they are. As annoying as Caribj is or any other black person is, the truth be told, none of them are ever as vile . They defend their heritage and their beliefs like gentleman. I do not doubt at times the are force to the profane but that is expected given how habitually nasty some of the fellows that post here are to black people. I doubt they care about Amerindians any better. I get the buck thing constantly as if that ever means anything but that a low life is hurling the insult.

Guyanese people do not want that sin to fall on their heads like rain. I say it is none of the crap you speak above since the poor and the humble do not have to pay for good manners no less than the rich and gentrified. It is who they are. For all intents and purpose this is a raging hate site at times. 

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