Billy Ram Balgobin posted:I am afraid many of you are oblivious to the dangers ahead with the illegal APNU/AFC government in power. Oil dollars will be used to fete a few and suppress the many.
Like how Jagdeo's regime benefitted so many. Black people got nothing from him. The joke is that Indians didn't anything either, so insist its because blacks got everything.
and yet in the corridors of wealth Jaggy and his buddies lurk, pulling the NCV stunt to make sure that they take all. The stupid Coalition virtually handing the goodies to them. I guess they think he will drop a few crumbs in their hands as he did with Corbin.
Freddie K is already singing for his Jagdeo milk with a ruthless venom at that. And we know this because suddenly everyone is bad..........except Jagdeo! His change was too sudden and extreme when a few weeks ago he was calling Jagdeo a scourge.