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Reply to "Let's try and please raise the standard of the board."

caribny posted:
Iguana posted:

@Former Member

An example is Ksazma's overt racism for over a week and dozens if not a hundred posts. No sanction from you. Posting of monkey pictures to represent black people from Dave, you finally acted. But Dave got the impression that was fine because Amral did it! You all need to get your shit together!

This site is viewed in many places as an Indo supremacist black hating site.  Even Bajans have cited it as evidence when they wanted to round up reasons why Indo Guyanese should have been tossed out of Barbados.  This in 2006 when Bajan police and immigration knocked on their doors before dawn and sent half naked people on LIAT flights nonstop to GY.

If Bajans view this site as Indo supremacist black hating site then I am sorry to say they are terribly wrong. However, knowing you for the time you have been here I won't be surprised if this is a figment of your imagination that you want to become a reality with your constant pourings of misinformation with the sole objective blemishing the image of a part your country's population. 

Billy Ram Balgobin