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Reply to "An appeal to the Hon Mr Moses Nagamootoo"

Originally posted by cain:
Supa Mike/ Nehru/ DG/RamacantPee/ asj/ SJ with numbers/even albert yes albert/any others on the wrong side, do the right thing before it's too late and we say, na na na na naaaa na.

Head on over to AFC, it's like,it's like, what can I say, it's like a nice nice feeling knowing in your hearts that you've all done the right thing. aright?

Bhai the AFC cannot attrack any sane people...with a bunch of rejects at it's helm it's gona be real hard it is reflected in the very poor turn out at their meetings...we have some AFC katahars here on GNI shouting dat dem gat thousands of supporters and to date dem rass cann get 100 people at dem meetings...I think 99% of the AFC sup[porters lives in NA...and none ah dem rass cann even vote in the we gun give dem a good cut ass this election...AFC done fu good dis time rass..gann fu channas rass cheers