Kari,political tactic in real time is not in Moses DNA. Janet and Jagdeo presented Moses more opportunities to act in the best interest of the party and the supporters and he failed to seize the opportune moments and now that he realizes he cannot and will never make leader of the party he seeks to jump ship. And the AFC like fools are throwing him a lifejacket with the belief he is a political asset to them. It now appears the AFC looking for political derelicts and rejects to appear legitimate. The problem with people here and in Guyana is that they are being sold crap and they are buying it. If Moses departure from the PPP is the BUZZ then Guyana politics is in serious trouble because Moses was out of the party since Janet Jagan kicked him to the curb , this much I do know so, I cant help it if I am NOT a day late and dollar short as everyone else. Now the PPP will make the entire AFC election campaign all about Moses and the AFC will get sucked into this vitriol.The AFC should not have extended a hand to Moses and shown the Guyanese voters they dont need political derelicts and rejects to be competitive. It never surprise me how people get intoxicated by the wrong BUZZ !