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Reply to "Angry vendors protest outside President’s office"

Drugb posted:

Not to make excuses for the PPP, however there was no need for them to make drastic changes in the direction of the economy as the tipover point was not reached as we currently see under the PNC. It is now their job to take the next step. PPP had Gold, Rice and Expats to prop them up. Now the bottom has dropped out from under the PNC boys, they have no solution. Please inform them of your brilliant ideas to turn Guyana into the next Singapore as you postulated during the PPP years. 

Daily you show that you are an idiot.

1.  It was during the PPP era that the EU announced that they would no longer be offering preferential prices for sugar, and that prices will eventually be no more than world prices. They offered funds to transition away from sugar.

Clearly the PPP should have used this to make the industry more efficient, or to gradually phase it out, or to reduce its scale, and emphasize other forms of agriculture.

They did none of it, instead invested loads into Skeldon, and we have seen Guysuco becoming more and more unviable as their costs soared. 

In fact in May 2015 Guysuco announced that its situation was so dire that it couldn't make payroll, and that some of its suppliers were refusing to sell them goods or services!  This is despite the fact that in the previous 10 years 1/2 BILLION US dollars had been poured into that company! 

APNU AFC had a matter of days to stave off Guysuco's collapse, with THOUSANDS of workers not being paid.

2.  Rice had a similar problem with EU access. Instead of focusing on making the industry more efficient, so that Guyana could compete in the large rice markets which exist in the Americas, the PPP decided to put it in the hands of a nation which claims 2/3 of its territory, and could hold Guyana hostage at any point.

3.  Guyana has remained a low wage economy, with high unemployment.  Starting in 2000 hordes of PPP began to flock to other parts of the Caribbean, involving themselves mainly in low wage jobs. 


So seriously.  Why do you pretend as if the problem only began since May?  I do know that APNU AFC aren't the sharpest knives in the draw, and I doubt their capacity to transform the economy, but please don't be a dishonest idiot and pretend as if what they left was a healthy economy.
