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Reply to "Anil Nandlall initiates a polemic long overdue."

Labba posted:
Django posted:

" Trotman’s net included a daily letter-writer in the Stabroek, whose sole intention is to narcissistically demonstrate how he could use the English language; a former PPP bigwig of the PPP and a so-called economist in the diaspora who thinks he is so indispensible that he wrote the AFC to request the CEO job at GuySuco."

Well watch story here "who is this so called economist"

O me momma that Mr Kissoon put a knock pon Mr TK? Me never know Mr TK bin want Guysuco wuk. De man want Minista wuk, Guysuco wuk all kind wuk. Ehehe. 

Don’t think was him. He was in the AFC and I did not think he was considered a PPP big wig!

Me thinks was anada banna who met wid Harmon.  But like dem kaankee nah bile!
