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Reply to "Another major oil find offshore Guyana to be announced this week"

Baseman posted:

With oil now in play, the US trust the PNC more than the PPP. 

The PPP once again screwed over Indians by cozying up to nations like Iran and cussing out the USA!

The PNC knows how and who to cozy up with.  The PPP anti-American and Communists mindset still alive and well. 

Why will the USA trust the PPP with oil wealth when they started playing bad with lil rice and sugar!

All ayuh coolies need to stop prattling so much and start thinking for a change!  Ayuh gatt too much mouth!!  That starts with ayuh heroine Priya.  She help put ayuh back in a cage!

Instead AYUH , don't be ashamed , use ABBIE. aren't you a coolie??
