seignet posted:Kari posted:ksazma posted:RiffRaff posted:With all the mass shootings in the US, why would this one be the last straw?
Was it the last straw in Sandy Hook? or Virginia? or Oregon? Charleston?
or because this killer happen to be a Muslim, it becomes the last straw?
The problem is that these militant Muslims are making it very difficult for the rest of us to go through our days normally. MSNBC pointed out that Americans die by gun violence 50X more than by any terrorist act but that does nothing to alleviate us from the burden of these militants. These acts are hurting us and no amount of beautiful preaching can overcome the acts of these people.
these militant Muslims.......this sounds very caribny-ish. Why, oh why, must we call these people Muslims? They are NOT Muslims, Kzaazz. If they are then your religion must be given another name, because you are not a terrorist.
U in denial. But u r not alone, u company in Obama. The sooner u recognize the orientation on religious customs u will think clearer.
Why would the West be deemed the great satan.
Why would the West be considered to have life-styles contrary to Islamic teaching.
Why should the West incorporate Sharia laws for muslims.
Obviously, Islamic ISIS feels the West must be punished. I suspect a great many Western Muslims agree with ISIS. I am certain they feel the life-styles of the West is not a decent one. For years Christian preacher been saying the same things.
Seig Heil, you Nazi bastard....let's line up all Muslims and those with Muslim-sounding names and those who look like Muslim (that would include all of GNI) and shoot they rass. Then let's throw a nukes on Indonesia, the Middle East, Pakistan, India, Nigeria. You know why? Because all Muslims are terrorists and we have to get rid of all of us.