seignet posted:This is religion on religion. Why else would people who profess Islam would kill westerners. I just listened to a Muslim guy on CNN. The same line is always expressed, "there are 1.6 billion muslims in the world. He continued to express that christians kill christians. He is justifying the reason for the murdered.
The USA should arrest his baxside and deport him immediately. He will never work in trying to solve the problem. This fella continue to be confused, he expressing the idea of a muslim community and that Americans should not lay blame but come together to find solutions.
This chaps, continued to blame Russia, ISIS and god knows who else for people with muslim names who kills non-muslims.
The reality, this is a 500 years war. Even today, the crusades are remembered-800 years later. And it din happen in Pakistan or Guyana.
Seig Heil you're just a bigot.