@Former Member posted:The PNC fears this but they blew their chances.by not concerning themselves with the needs of the people FIRST because of their stupid wish to enrich themselves in case.their one seat.majority was upset and they lost the chance to get rich! Their great fear materialised through.their own fault! But all they have to do now is watch the PPP's every move and bring any malfeasance to the attention of the people who are eager, nay greedy, too for what the oil riches can do for THEM! And there WILL be PPP malfeasance! Questioning the removal of Dr. Homenauth, replacing him with two former GRDB criminal suspects would be a good start! But, perhaps, this is a job for the AFC, if they could ever find the strength to cut themselves loose from the oh so odious embrace of the stupid PNC clowns!.They have nothing to lose that they are not losing now! See the resignations.and the reasons given? The mansions of Jagdeo and Ali alone are indicative of PPP love of wealth! In Guyana, politics IS the road to wealth for those who have neither business skills nor opportunities!
Get off the drugs, boy!