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Reply to "APNU+AFC calls for release of Trevor Benn"

@Former Member posted:

Stupid man / Goebbels the PPP propagandist,

a. I never said "black people are the scourge of the earth". That statement was made by Ksazma who has now reincarnated into the poster Ilum to hide his shame and odious fumes of racism and pretend to be a human being. You fraternize with him also. Birds of a feather and all that.

b. I do not hate Indians. I was raised not to hate them. As a small child, I witnessed a black neighbor come into our yard breathing threats and anger about "dem effin coolie people" and seeking approval of his racism from our black family. I witnessed my tall, jet black, bespectacled father stand there with the newspaper in his hand and order that cretin out of our yard.

No sir, I was not born into a hotbed of racism, nurtured and coddled in it to believe that black people are saints and superior to Indians. Many of the rural Indians like you are raised in anti black hatred insomuch that I marvel how easily it rolls off your tongues. You and the rest who posted here. You know who you are.

c. I criticize BOTH the PPP and the PNC. Refer to my many remarks here about their collective 50 plus years of nothingness that have led us to shithole status. Were it not for the inbred racism like yours, both these parties would be in the garbage heap of Guyana's history.

I hope you can make sense of what I just wrote. You are either a drunk, senile, or extremely stupid man. But then again you are a PPPite so that explains a lot about your mental state.

Guana man,

(a) I take exception to your equating this fool's tripe with the brilliant propaganda of Dr. Goebbels, a man whose boots he couldn't even lick for he would have been shot for impertinent defilement!

(b) what will they do with the black man they hate, when every Indo is rich and contented as PPP haters hope? He is here to stay, scourge of the earth or not!

