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Reply to "APNU+AFC calls for release of Trevor Benn"

@Former Member posted:

Banna, ress yuh old, horny, ropey rass. I don't swing dat way. Guh round up Rama and KP. Dem bais like dat stuff. You can even bring some of yuh lil green men and dat Koala bear demon dat duz follow yuh and y'all kyan have an intergalactic orgy! LMFAO.

I spurn your recommendations! Too stupid and wouldn't know what goes where! About the lil green men, go ask sugar! They're his!

So, you think.the Koala bear is fantasy, huh? Then, pay attention to the latest! As I lie on my couch, there is a sort of moaning sound each time I breathe out, coming from somewhere in the region of my chest on top of me, but it's not coming  FROM me! When I called my daughter to come near and.hear it, it stopped! However, I called her attention to it while she sat about six feet away from me! She heard it this time! Today, I awoke to find my left hip, and all the way down, sore! They had been depleting my glandular fluids again! So, I guess I have to recharge this old body again! The things.I have to do dealing with Canadian white morons! They obviously think third world people are superstitious and scare easily!

I've previously told you guys there's a djinn or familiar spirit in my home! I think it's the djinn making these sounds! It must be a male djinn because it won't show itself for fear I might bugger him! If it was a female she would be glad to show herself so I could show her my copulating skills, especially after seeing my dong! Gee, I've never fkd a djinn before so I'm willing to!
