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APNU, AFC help build a better future

APNU, AFC help build a better futurePDFPrintE-mail
Written by N. AUGUSTUS   
Thursday, 20 September 2012 21:05

THE political actors in Guyana remain unchanged. APNU continues to take its cue from the AFC while waiting and campaigning to gain control of the presidency in the next elections.


The AFC continue with its main mission to destroy the PPP by all means possible, while acting like the tail that wags the dog.         


In this case the APNU. One of the few positive things coming out of the Linden debacle is the use of negotiations to address problems, not violent confrontations. Mr. Granger missed a great opportunity before the protests to show leadership, but allowed the AFC to sideline him.


Unity with the AFC or APNU cannot be predicated on the idea that both must agree on all policies every time. After all, they have different supporters who may agree with some government policies and not one of the opposition party's views. The point is either of these parties must be able and willing to exercise their own judgment as to what is best for their supporters, without damaging their joint stand on things they both agree on. One of them have to start acting as the voice of reason and what is in the best interest of all Guyanese from now on and help build a better future.


APNU & AFC is like batty and poke party.

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