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Reply to "APNU, AFC help build a better future"

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

It's still puzzling why Guyanese are leaving their country in large numbers. Leading the pack are Indo-Guyanese. Normally, people do not run away from a country with good economic growth,  prosperity and democracy.

Mits, You have any idea how many leaving Spain, England, Brazil, Poland, Ireland ------------------------------, you get the drift.

I don't think Guyanese are leaving for the same reasons. When you compare on a per capita basis, Guyana outdistance them by as much as 10 times. When the youths, who are the backbone of the country, are only thinking of leaving, this type of mentality is counter productive. Don't we all want to see Guyana prosper?

Guyana is propspering. Have you seen guyana lately??? Listen to the People of Guyana and to those that visited. Ask Kari and others who recently came back. Sheik is a regular visitor, I am sure he would not return had it not been magnificent.


I know he does not visit only because of Brazilian Beauties.
