Tonight Moses V. Nagamootoo spoke in the heart of PPP country. North Annandale. Sandreef. Over 200 turned out. Including women and young people. Lots of men as well. Simple people. On bicycles. Standing at the street corner listening to a message of unity and change.
At one stage a lone man who was under the influence of some spirits and was boisterous and disruptive got a little close to the small stage on which Nagamootoo stood addressing the gathering. There were three police officers nearby. There were several coalition security officers all around. Before any of them could react three women, Afro-Guyanese women rushed between the advancing man and Nagamootoo and blocked his path.
It did not appear as though the man meant any harm to Nagamootoo but the women were taking no chances.
They stood there and ensured that their Prime Minister was safe.
We are still divided as a nation but we are far more united than we used to be, even and elections time when divisions can become stark. Appropriately One Love was played as the meeting wound down.