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Reply to "APNU-AFC on the campaign trail"

"Dem ah Katahaar":

Celebrating his GUYANESE nationality,

Moses Nagamootoo said tonight

at Zeelugt, west Demerara:


"coconut grow on coconut tree,

whether the coconut is green, yellow or brown.


I have come from the Guyana tree,

so I am GUYANESE."


But before he could finish his statement,

someone from the crowd interjected:

"don't worry wid dem, Moses.

Dem is Katahaar!"


That drew loud applause and laughter from the crowd,

mostly sugar workers and farmers,

who kept up the refrain,

"Katahaar government"

every time a reference was made

about the PPP and President Ramotar.


The occasion was

an APNU+AFC public meeting

at Fisher's Dam, Zeelugt.

Other speakers were Sookoo, a former court prosecutor,

and Merv Williams, a former Member of Parliament.

Last edited by Former Member