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Reply to "APNU-AFC on the campaign trail"

Bartician native,

Simona Broomes

walks to the podium

to a resounding welcome.

Bartica is READY!



APNUAFC Rally in Bartica.

We here again Bartica


Women dont run around the bush...

we run the bush!


Women dont run around Bartica...

we run Bartica!

Sirimavo Gonsalves

That is what women suppose to do.

Instead they are been abused by men

who should be role models.


An APNU+AFC platform is saying

zero tolerance to Traficking in Person-TIP.

Marjorie Mendonza

Love the work you are doing ms Broomes


A 13 yr old got twins and

nobody has been charged!

Sirimavo Gonsalves

Don't tell me Elizabeth Harper

can't even offer a comment on that!

She suppose to advocate for women and children abuse


Annie Pluck

You know it will all end on May 11. 

Lawlessness is the PPP motto.


Tonight ah come home and

ah tellin yuh vote APNUAFC!


It is a serious time!


This PPP government has built a park..

to park the mining buisness!


It is time to lift the guyanese women!


All the women of Guyana,

we will take care of you!


Bartica 11 May vote APNUAFC!


Brandon Dasilva

We got them


Claudette Patrick

