Vreed En Hoop:
Moses Nagamooto comes to the podium
to a thunderous welcome!
We cannot move forward as a country divided..
We are all fruits of the Guyana tree!
We dont want to deal with
building hotels and casino
when our women are two and three on a bed -
We dont want to follow
the behaviour of this government
An apology is unacceptable
(Bheri Ramsaran issue)
My hands are clean!
My hands are clean!
My hands do not have glue,
I do not steal the peoples money!
We have no confidence in this government
because they are stealing your money!
This election is about saving Guyana!
We will follow the constitution and
establish the Public Procurement Commission .
We have to stop the corruption!-
We want to ensure
your leaders are clean as a whistle!
We want contracts
where guyanese will be employed first!
We are making realistic targets
.....Moses Nagamootoo