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Reply to "APNU doles out LAND larger than GT to ONE MAN"

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Gilbakka posted:

The Official Gazette will lose credibility if it continues with this carelessness.

y'all bloody panty-waving yesterday had very little to do with a typo in the Official Gazette

but keep trying out the back-of-the-arm spin . . . you'll find a good length and fool the sheeple eventually

And even you Ronnie fell for it by running behind the skirt of Idris Dookie implying it ain’t bad because PPP mo bad!

actually, this is what Ronan said to gilbakka:

"that's why i prefer to withhold full comment pending a more professional reporting on this, and the small print (natch) correction from KN"

and to labba:

"will you then join me on the "CLAWBACK" train?"

but nice try banna . . .  your commit to 'protect' the Idris Dookie looting operation midwived by Robber[t] Persaud and Bhar[RAT] Jagdeo is, as always, on trigger alert

one good  thing though . . . i no longer wonder at your motivation, or labba's

lying is not a good thing sir

the truth will set you free

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