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Reply to "APNU/PNC boycott lie exposed!"

Somebody please tell this dude ... de party done!

Is this how he spent the PPP election campaign money. Big Grin He forgot to say .... Black people love a FREE party!

"Black People Can't Help But Party" Says Hits And Jams
Guyana Press | Wednesday, 14 December 2011 21:07

As the seasons unfold and the festivities begin after the 2011 elections unrest more effort is being placed by the APNU and other youth groups of Guyana to boycott Hits and Jamz promotion and Kashif and Shanghai end of year football tournament. Today top APNU leader and political activist was allegedly told by the Hitz and Jamz company that black people can’t help themselves but party so the festivities will go on as planned.

He also alleged that the government is creating a campaign of its own to blast the young people that suggested the boycott of the two companies. Young Guyanese people have displayed anger towards the comments of the Hits and Jamz Company stating that there is a thin line between entertainment and disrespect of a people as a whole and they are striving harder to boycott and protest shows put on by these companies.