He was in the PPP at that time and was surrounded by PPP fraudsters ripping off the Clico investors. hahaha
Exactly, and now the AFC inherit this evil character who now try to pass himself off as a brand new second hand virgin to politics. ahahahaha
yes, exactly as you admitted - He condemned the corruption of the PPP fraudsters surrounding him and left because he couldn't stand the tiefin anymore. hahaha
No, he only condemn when he finish filling his pockets with Clico money and the well went dry. Now he jump to the AFC/PNC to see if he can start a new line of fraud. See the recent gold, cocaine and ezjet busts? Note that it was only after Nagamootoo joined the AFC/PNC that the parties started taking these high risk fund raising campaigns. ahahhaha
Jagdeo bag off the Clico money and the gold is PPP gold controlled by Rob Earth. Why you think they made him minister of gold mining - to control PPP gold smuggling. Just like they made Roger Khan right hand man Doctor of Death Ramsammy minister of agriculture to control the shipment of coca plants.