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Reply to "Assault On A PPP Campaign Truck By APNU / AFC Hooligans & Parasites"

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:

Fvcking bullies!!

Expect a big showdown coming!  Brace yourself!

These are the scenes which always make me unite behind Indians!  Doesn't matter the shortcoming of the PPP!

Who don't like it, go fvck yourselves!!

Quit the hypocrisy.  Your PNC family beating their chest and clapping their hands to see the persecution of coolie in Guyana. Somehow it makes them feel better about themselves.


Woman, STFU!  Wah happened, you upset pnc fire you family!  Dem wuk fuh PNC until recently!

Head of ANUG once blamed BJ for PNC terrorism!  And them was PPP founders!
