Dave posted:I make a reference about my kids ( once ) where we cannot have a discussion about race in my home, but see everyone as human, irrespective that I had to push them under the bed that dreadful night.
I am proud of what I did after, you spill my blood, you will NOT walk away free.
I have a stigma that reminds me of black brutality, and I have that right to speak out.
I still gives to blacks and will continue doing so . However, when I came across racist like you, it’s daunt the sprit and bring back those bad memories..
you come on here practically every day spewing the worst kind of hate speech aimed at Afro people
then playing victim when challenged on your sh!t with exculpatory talk of “bad memories” and “black brutality”
what exactly is that again?
the “right” to be a dutty racist primitive is a self-sanction that the worst among us smartly ‘confuse’ with the imperatives of civilized thinking
i will say without fear of contradiction that those “blacks” on the receiving end of your ‘charity’ would spit on your stinking ass if they had any idea what was actually going on in the sewer that stands in for your head
personally i would recommend that you shove your ‘goodwill’ right back up your bt
but that’s just me