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Reply to "Attn: Amral. Why are all debates regarding the PNC election violence video are being closed ?"

yuji22 posted:

We must not be afraid to talk about the brutal racism we suffered under two black dictators Burnham and Hoyte and after March 19, we could potentially have a third one.

This is the same racist piece of crapola that talks about "unity" out one side of he stink onion breath mouth while pissing pon black man DAILY hay. Same bigot who generates post after post of toxic, anti black hate speech is now talking about "inciting violence". What a fking disgrace you are!

Lissen punk, y'all can chat about "two black dictators", both of whom are dead, but you have ZERO plans for the future. NONE.And that is the problem with Guyana. A failure to move on from the past, even though no one, at least black posters here, deny the actions of the past.

Y'all are just steeped in a pure hatred of black people and want an Indian only country. We must talk about the "two black dicators" but not about the almost genetic bigotry of Indians like you that would like to see the elimination of black people from Guyana. Nah, let's not talk about what is plain as day and played out here daily by the vast majority of Indian posters here. The non racist Indians are treated by garbage by the cadre of bigots you lead here.

Just admit you want a black holocaust in Guyana and we'll be much further along in the discussion. Stop all the foolish, shitty talk about "unity" punk! Just let all yuh genocidal thoughts about black people out. If yuh need help, ask "uncle" Dave.
