Baseman posted:Ray posted:Closed because the discussion turns into personal and racist attacks
So PNC supporters calling for war against Indians is not racist? Have you looked at the responses come from Ronan when anyone highlights PNC racism? You sanction people for less than that!
Baseman this is what you all have. Black women singing some song and you all grown men running under your bed, quivering in terror and screaming for Trump to save you.
You all are petrified of black women because you suspect that many of them don't like you. So why don't you PPP frauds go into PNC strongholds and assure them that their assumptions of you are wrong? After all don't you all boast how much black people love the PPP?
I can see why homoerotic yearnings for black men pervade GNI. You all wish that you had the self confidence and self esteem of black men who don't run under the bed when black women want to let off steam.
And RK isn't going to rescue you all either if you think that he will.