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Reply to "Back from Saudi Arabia and Egypt"

Stormborn posted:
Abu Jihad posted:
Stormborn posted:
Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Welcome back. See you visited two non democratic nations. Any observations from each one of them? Their similarities or differences?

As you mentioned non democratic so both are similar. For the Egyptians I think they are resigned to the fact that this is fate. They cannot assemble, period and they are suffering. The Saudis on the other hand are richer and are accustomed to live under the Monarchy.

Muslims do not care for democracy in general. It is why democracy gets no support among muslim nations. It gets only lip support.

Only a jacka$$ will say something like that.  Do you have any facts to support such a stupid statement.


Did the people of Egypt not support democracy only to be cut down by the Western backed military.

Egypt was a dictatorship most of its existence. The brotherhood was the first fairly voted in group but immediately they began their own pogrom. The lie that western took fanatics down is excusable because you are one of them. Mohammed Morsi selected Sisi thinking he was one of them given he burquaized his wife. When the people revolted Sisi stepped in. That was all Egyptian natural unfolding of the usual internal power struggle that gravitates to dictatorship.

Completely idiotic.  

