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Reply to "Back from Saudi Arabia and Egypt"

baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:

Well stop calling him [Bush] names!!  As I said, you lil slow, understood.  You will come around to Trump presidency!!  And you will love it when he wack those Wahabs back to the stone ages!!

I do not know I called President Bush any names. I do not have any that stuck and the one I called him was Opie for country and a bit sloppy with speech.

You saying I am slow is a laugh.

Trump is not getting into office so I do not have to worry about what he will do. I would be happy if Hillary put boots on the ground.

And that she will do, almost certain!!  She will not be a push-over like Obama!!  She will kick those Wahab asses as will Sanders, Trump and Cruz, even lil bai Rubio!!  I think even Jimmy carter will!!

Only Obama see this as a "JV" Team sporting around, but just chopping off heads and selling women into servitude!!

Dude Obama is fighting his way.... He was wrong.... He sees himself more effective by doing it slowly through attrition......He is making progress. .... However "I think" [who D2??] he needed to do more.

I helped out our readers with a lil synopsis of your "argumentation" for Obama.  Hope you and them appreciate my efforts!!

Dude, that JV Team reference was well into his 2nd term.  Now, that some [sputtering] learning curve.  Even Sadaam's 30 yr old scuds were better ramping up!!

So, how long does he need, 28 years?  Then was Scalia correct?

SHIT, why did I say that!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Obama was a very good President. He stopped the hemorage of 1 million jobs a month to a positive gain of some 200k. His health care package is the first of its kind and with tweaking will work. None of those dufus will kill it because their constituents use it.

Scalia was a bigot like you as there is no existential measure of intelligence on race because there is no such thing as race.  There is also no consensus as to what constitute intelligence or whether it is a single thing or many "intelligences".


Government sponsored schools must show diversity because every index say diversity is best for the nation.
