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Reply to "Bad day for backdam folks"

@sachin_05 posted:

Me Having trouble is the least of y’all problem. You  and the entire rigging cabal been shouting fraud for over a year with no proof except some jumbie mombo jumbo, no one, not even the local courts is willing to listen.  That congress man is only using Burk to get the Brooklyn Guyanese votes. What makes you think Burk can with his help can convinced- Americans, CARICOM, OAS, EU etc that Jagdeo manipulated them? Keep close to Burky though, maybe he might share some donations with you..

ppp been rigging elections for many years.

gocool budhu

47 boxes 2020 elections lower east coast, voter impersonation

see "theft of democracy"

sarah the lyncher and all alyuh under pressure. more pressure coming! watch the tables turn and alyuh false narrative exposed. once sarah goes the whole thing could unravel. no more PADDED voters list for the freedom house thieves - new list giving alyuh nightmares

alyuh seh coi into gecom 2020 elections, but is all hot air. frighten to go there least alyuh get exposed (own goal), ali ducking that like mad

