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Reply to "Bad day for backdam folks"

@sachin_05 posted:

This is how the petition will be handled in the by the CCJ ...

Judge: Order, this court is in session to rule on this petition by the PNC allegations that the 2020 election was rigged by the PPP. Attorney for the PPP present your opening statement.

Nandalall: Your honor I hereby submit into evidence SOPs from all poling stations that is witnessed and signed by all contesting parties, observers local and international, Carter center; this when totaled shows the PPP won by over 15;000 votes. Subsequent recount by CARICOM also confirmed these numbers.

Judge: Attorney for the coalition present your opening statement.

Basil Williams: your honor we guh need wan kyaad bode bax and wan bedsheet fuh Mingo and Lolobai fuh present dis hay SOPs ..hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

feeble attempt at humour

yuh should stick to celebrating de ppp (rigged) win. holding bottle wine in de air and shaking yuh waist
