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Reply to "‘Barber shop’ company gets $300 MILLION computer contracts"

Originally posted by SuperMike:
This is a clean deal and it went to the lowest bidder, yall is a pack of scamps, only thinking about scampish things. I am happy that the bid was completed and that soon the computers will be available to our kids.Yall can kiss mee ass now ...bunch of haters...To outsource a contract like this is standard procedure in all governments... take for example Blackwater Security...or Halliburton..shut yall mouff and say thanks to the good investments the PPP is providing for our kids...good job Dr Jagdeo
The problem here is not similar. Halliburton can do the job and has a record of doing the job. Their wrong is their cronyism.

Xe (blackwater) is a uniquer company. They alone have he assets to do what they do. Their problem is the fact the US was allowing the growth of a competing private mercenary army on its soil. For that reason they moved their business off shore.

Flip definitely has no established competency to do what was awarded him. I do not know of this barbershop crew ever doing anything of the kind with which they are tasked to do.