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Reply to "‘Barber shop’ company gets $300 MILLION computer contracts"

Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:
Dell Education - Special pricing for Schools.

Ayu bettah put X next to the CUP or else them black man gon kick down yu door, rape yu daughta and thief yu jewels. bath

And Dell will offer even better prices to starving and impoverished nations like Guyana.

You cyar yuh rass da side, abie na poor and starvin', yuh rass deh lala land. Abie gat nuff fambily in Old Yark, Tarantala, etc ah senn abie money, Nike, Fila, Reebok, Adidas, Lacoste, IPhone, IPod, IPad, Mac Air, an soa for abie. Leh Dell keep dem cheap ting da side, betta yet, leh abie PPP bais get am at betta higher price, $700 gafa be betta dann datt shitty $300 ting. Keep datt shyte foa alyuh de baad school ova deh in Merika. Alyuh rass de soa baad, alyuh barra money fram China. Abie deh soa good donk hey, alyuh rass ah senn $100 every mont foa keep abie diss company.