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caribny posted:

Now we see why the deal was refused by the PPP. After all creating employment in Linden was something that the PPP was extremely hostile to.  Linden was to be PUNISHED for being a PNC stronghold.

This shows exactly how Linden could have been redeveloped following the loss of 80% ofr the bauxite industry jobs which existed in that town.

Its ironic that the PPP screams that high electricity costs prevents the development of Guyana, and yet in a location where such costs are lower they didn't seek to stimulate such development!

Labor costs are much lower in Guyana than in T&T and Guyana also produces food products in greater supply and land is also cheaper.  That is why during the PPP era T&T companies looked at Guyana, but the corrupt PPP chased them away.  This when there was capital available on that island to fund such expansion.

More lies by the pnc agent caribj. See jaggy's comments where he stated that Baron never approached him for deals. In fact it looks like Baron was looking for freeness, free subsidized electricity from govt, free land, free food,free blow job etc.   Meanwhile I await your excuse after 2 1/2 years why pnc didn't give Baron what they wanted to setup shop in Guyana. 
