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Baseman's conditional support for Trump.........

Firstly, Baseman does not support the beliefs and actions of the White Supremacist.  Baseman has always supported the economic and certain other ideals of Trump.  Trump needs to steer clear of the extremist but I believe he is in a difficult position as they were a loyal group which helped him win the election!

Baseman views Trump as a 70% favorable just as I view the PPP.  The extremists are the largest component of my negativity however, I will not throw out the baby with the bath water.  This is what the weak, the naive, the feeble minded, the low IQ runts, the selfish did to the PPP in Guyana.  Just like with Trump, I support the positive aspects of Trump and of the PPP in Guyana.  However, I also do support the 40% good that is in the PNC.  Yes Caribj, I believe the PNC has more good than the PPP has bad.  Coming from Baseman, that should be taken as a compliment!

As long as Trump pushes his agenda: Infrastructure, lower Corporate taxes, strong military, America First trade policies, smart regulatory framework, structured immigration, etc, Baseman will remain on the Trump train.  This is what makes up the 70% good in the Trump presidency!

Of course, I also wish he repeals FACTA so my life, and that of my family, becomes simpler!

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