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Reply to "Baseman's conditional support for Trump........."

ba$eman posted:
D2 posted:

Why repeal FACTA? It is protection for consumer. Ever tried getting a mistake off your credit? It is like pulling teeth. You have to threaten to sue and know you will follow through. Without facta you would have to pay them for the report and then wait until they reply. Now they have to provide a free report and respond within 2 weeks.

Dear D2, I believe you are unaware of FATCA and what to Baseman refers!  I don't give a flying F about credit, my score is 800 and I shop cash anyway!

I shop cash also since I never liked owning cared but learned a lesson recently if you do not check your credit. It takes only one mistake on some ignoramus's part to drive your good credit to zero. You have to watch it.
