Investments in Our People
a. Education
4.70 Mr. Speaker, the new Education Strategic Plan for 2014 to 2018 is currently being finalised and is anticipated to focus on improving literacy rates, early childhood development, teacher training, enrolment in single sciences, technical vocational educational programmes, and more structured partnerships with private sector providers and parents.
4.71 In 2013, $28.5 billion was expended towards the final year of the last strategic plan. A sum of $2.7 billion was spent on the infrastructure of schools and other educational facilities, including commencing the reconstruction of One Mile Primary School, La Venture Secondary School and Parfaite Harmonie Primary. Additionally, the $50 million Harold B Davis Special School for differently-abled children was commissioned in January this year. In addition 16 secondary computer labs were completed as part of our efforts to ensure all secondary schools have access to IT. Another $35.2 million was expended towards the commencement of the University of Guyana Science and Technology Support initiative, while $50 million was made available to ensure greater access to tertiary level education via online programmes.
4.72 Further, in the area of teacher training we continued the upgrading programme in the communities in Regions 1, 8 and 9 permitting more hinterland persons to be eligible to access the Trained Teacher’s Certificate Programme and under which 159 teachers were certified in 2013. Additionally 177 teachers have entered the system as trained teachers from CPCE. Over $1 billion was expended on the National School Feeding Programme to the benefit of over 65,000 children, while $208 million was spent on the National Uniform Programme, benefitting over 139,000 children in our efforts to ensure improved attendance and attentiveness in the classroom.
4.73 Mr. Speaker, in 2014, the sum of $32.3 billion has been allocated towards the implementation of the first year of our new Education Strategic Plan.
4.74 This year we have allocated $2.9 billion towards the construction, rehabilitation, extension and maintenance of our educational facilities including a new and expanded Zeeburg Secondary School and the Kato Secondary complex. Moreover, we will commence implementation of a US$10 million Universal Secondary Education initiative, which will facilitate the construction of new secondary schools and provision of materials for improved teaching techniques and technology assisted learning in mathematics. Our teacher training college will continue to offer their existing programmes, as well as focus on the appraisal and development of their lecturers including having some teachers pursue postgraduate degrees. We will intensify our efforts to eliminate illiteracy and strengthen public awareness to ensure that parents understand their vital role in the literacy development of their children. In the area of ICT, Government will allocate resources to ensure that an additional 2,500 teachers are trained, and all of our secondary schools are equipped with computer laboratories before the end of 2014.
4.75 Mr. Speaker, we recognise that equipping our young people with technical vocational education training (TVET) skills linked with entrepreneurship training is an assured option for enabling their viability, and this year we will expand opportunities to include occupational programmes to support the mining and hospitality industries.
4.76 Continued emphasis will also be placed on tertiary education with an allocation of $1.4 billion towards the operation of both campuses of the University of Guyana, inclusive of $450 million for our student loan programme. Later this year our students will have the option of online degree programmes for the first time ever. Also, through the University of Guyana Science and Technology Support initiative 14 science and technology buildings will be rehabilitated and equipped and a feasibility study for the new Centre of Excellence for the Study of Biodiversity will commence. Futher, 17 programmes have been identified for curriculum reform which will be designed and tested over a 3 year period.
excerpts from Budget speech 2014