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Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Yes, all the talk you and your fellow afc/apnu supporters had prior to being in power is sounding very hollow now. You promised to bring PPP to justice by jailing them, zero has been jailed. You promised to equitably distribute contracts, yet you still giving the hog of the contracts to Indians. You promised to build the economy and bring prosperity to Guyana, now you are contemplating closing down the rice and sugar industry and ethanol talk has all but evaporated. Just a bunch of dunces who promised the world just to get into office. 

Druggie I understand that you are a fundamentally stupid man who is enraged that your party is no longer in power, so your acquaintances can no longer engage in the corrupt practices that they used to.


So you write crap.   One cannot turn around an economy in 5 month, nor can one destroy it, unless it was already weakening.


You really give APNU/AFC more credit than they deserve.



Bow go back and congratulate Jagdeo for legitimizing Venezuela's claims.  He has handed them a gift, given that he was once a president of Guyana, and so can assumed to know what he is talking about. So if Jagdeo says that Maduro's claims are valid, and can be up for negotiation, then it will be interpreted as such.


