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Reply to "Being African in India: ‘We are seen as demons’"

@Citizen posted:

Personally, I think we all have racist tendencies to some degree - browns, blacks, whites, yellow, red, et al. Just look around. We base our defensive decisions on personal experiences with a few of the 'others' and/or what we've been told about the 'others'. While I think it's natural for the human to gravitate towards his/her 'kind', the more we see ourselves as 'us' and 'them', the more this problem will compound.

What I disagree with (and am guilty of my myself) is to stereotype a particular group based on the actions of a few. If we are unable to identify that we are all indeed guilty of this, then we'll just continue down this spiral. I would vouch to say that this would be a difficult task to overcome for most and most probably a lifelong endeavor. Many of us, unfortunately, will never succeed at it.

As a child growing up, I recall quite vividly my best friends were different color than myself. We laughed, played, cried and fought each other, but never just because we were different.

My advise FWIW, we should begin by stop accusing the 'others' of being racist and take an honest (I mean really honest) look at ourselves. The solution to this problem really does begin at home.

Finally, someone with some sense of reasoning on this forum, I am surprised they haven't attacked you as yet.
