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Reply to "Being African in India: ‘We are seen as demons’"

It has become an opinion that man walked out of African and he climatized to his environment. The plea that we were/are the same does not hold sympathy for any Black skin color person.

My feeling is that the Black skin color person were excellent maritime navigators. After the diluge, all the races settled and lived on the Plains of Shinar, progressive together they devised ways to make life bareable. Is like Promethus giving them fire from Zeus's alter, that upsetted Zeus.

God and some Beings visiting Shinar, saw the residents in some sort of dispicable life style. He confused them all with languages. The residents realizing the differences, parted ways to East, West, North and South of the Globe. That was like Pope Vincent drawing a line around the globe giving territories to Spain and Portugal.

The Black skin ppl, walked back to Africa, some paddled their way to the islands of the Pacific, even to the Americas and the Malabar Coasts. To todays Punjab was not a far walk from Shinar and they recreated Shinar again as the Indus civilization. Perhaps, appalling again, the Hitties came in large numbers and sack them which made them escape to other rivers in todays India. That Hittite Invasion, gave Indian women the clothing of the sari. The Hittites later known as the Anatolians, they were overran by the Oghuz tribes of the Steppes, who later invaded Indian as the Mughals and Arabs.

India has a lot of ancient writings, men like Bose, The man who knows Infiniting Srinavas, Raman, Chandrasekar and host others were keen to this knowledge. They were all South Indians, all Black Skin ppl.

Dem Smart.
