You consider beating a defenceless woman a political act??? You must be a barbaric wife beater if those are your moral values.
You consider it a political act since you indict the entire government based on the alleged action of one person who happens to be the son of a Minister.
the police chief asks for a special body to "address high profile problems". I do not understand what he means but I guess it is code for the ruling class sense of entitlement is encouraged in the society and he cannot handle it given the political fall out. He wants an out.
I say, his ass should be in jail with no bail until a trial. This is not the first time he has beaten this woman. He supposedly kicked her in the stomach causeing her to have a miscarriage. Others are claiming he beat them also. He has abused a police woman calling her a bitch and telling her he is a ministers son and she could not do anything to him. He was right.
Therefore, this is political sludge. If young people can be thrown in the slammer for 1 gram of maryjane while those caught red handed with 40 Kg of cocaine walk ( Mool Persaud et al) then the system is gamed for the elites as the police chief suggests.
Further, the proof is in the pudding. A woman has her face beaten to a pulp and was raped, she said, by an ex whom she identifies. On record is a previous beating and a stabbing that caused him to end up in the hospital. She said it was in a struggle to allay a beating she was receiving at his hands. There is photographic evidence of her previous injuries as well. I do not know what else one need to get one arrested. Maybe Priya is right, she need to get her family to put a beating on his ass It seems that is how we do justice at home.