No one is saying this gentleman should not get his day. That he is left to his own and not held on bail etc means he is not considered to have done anything worthy of concern in the eye of the law. That is what infuriates those of us who see this as another plague on our society, "preferential treatment before the law".
For one who celebrates the extrajudicial practices of Jagdeo you need to be speaking to your own conscience about letting the legal system work. But as usual, you are an inconsistent twit.
I am allowed to pass judgement as a thinking being with a moral framework from which to look at the world. The PPP are not special in any way except as crooks.
As a person with an alleged black kid, you should sympathize with Benn, especially if he was setup by the woman's Indo relatives. It is known that Indians view a Black man with an Indian woman as the ultimate disgrace worthy of a honor killing. Who is to say that the Indian relatives didn't black and blue the woman's eye and blame it on Benn, a black man?
Your hatred of the PPP have clouded your judgment once again as you fall for the traps set by the Indos and are willing to circumvent the rule of law in your thirst for blood.