The law has apparently already taken its course because the alleged batterer has been released.
Maybe you need to find out why he was released, already you pronounced this fellow guilty based on news reports. While we may have opinions as to innocence or guilt, we need to let the law take its course as we see with the Trayvon Martin case.
Okay, I'm now presuming the fellow's innocence.
Looking at Benn's ex-girlfriend Vanisha Seenauth's face in that photo from this standpoint, I am left to pronounce that a UFO gave her the black eye.
There are 3/4 million people in Guyana, pick anyone of them then move on to UFO. You keep missing the point, everyone is entitled to due process. Even thought it appears that Benn was the culprit, we can not assemble a lynch mob without a trial. Even the worst criminal is afforded a trial. The black eye is a simple assault, it happens everyday in the US and people are not even arrested.