you waste my time with various and sundry non sequiturs. This form of argument is the sister of hasty generalization; over generalization. Because it happens in the good old USOFA it cannot be wrong for it to happen in Guyana. Well, the release of this serial abuser for the umpteenth time is a travesty in the law and emerges from the unaccountability of the elites. It is the reason the Chief of Police stupidly suggests that maybe we need a specially constituted body to deal with "high profile persons". Like you he is mad and a dunce.
hahaha, you were the one who brought the US into the conversation, holding it up as a knight in shining armor until I deflated your balloon.
I don't know that this man is guilty of the crime, I may have an opinion to his guilt but given the afc/pnc's track record of staging situations, most recently the Amerindian kids fetching firewood.
If indeed you and the court of public opinion were the final arbiter of guilt and innocence then we wouldn't the courts would we? Let the law take its course and stop passing judgement from your armchair in the West.
These are your words knuckle head "Many of you naysayers should look in your own backyards and see the same situation in the US where assault cases are given lenient punishment and defendants are given bail or set free until a court date." I am responding to that. You are introducing the US as your evidence that this can be tolerable so any balloons to be deflated would more likely be your head.
No one is saying this gentleman should not get his day. That he is left to his own and not held on bail etc means he is not considered to have done anything worthy of concern in the eye of the law. That is what infuriates those of us who see this as another plague on our society, "preferential treatment before the law".
For one who celebrates the extrajudicial practices of Jagdeo you need to be speaking to your own conscience about letting the legal system work. But as usual, you are an inconsistent twit.
I am allowed to pass judgement as a thinking being with a moral framework from which to look at the world. The PPP are not special in any way except as crooks.