The young woman experienced the beatings; more than once, reported this more than once, sought counsel more than once and now you have the gall to say she and her relatives concocted the whole thing? That man is a scumbag and you trying to concoct excuse to explain why he walks despite reports of grievous criminal behavior inclusive of rape and use of a fire arm in the process is truly despicable.
The woman also dropped charges more than once hence the police's reluctance to take her seriously. You are looking for blood in the wrong place. The only reason this story made headlines is because it was adopted by the afc trying to milk the misfortune of this young lady for all the political hay they can make.
I am not a follower. The AFC are not my life coach. I am responsible for what I say and I say this is a horrible serial abuser who needs to be brought to justice.
Note also the AFC has been silent on this issue. One of the things one notes in corrupt societies is that there is an incestuous behavior among its elites and their intersecting relationships sometimes coerces a willful neglect to address many salient issues. If something does not get appropriate political mileage it does not get attention. The AFC has been missing from this story as I noted elsewhere.