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Reply to "Bet on agriculture to beat resource curse — Prof. Terrence Blackman"

@Former Member posted:

What other doings, jango? Like my.rage and grief over the obvious PNC ordered killing of the Henry boys by the GDF? Like my admiration of Candace Evans who supported Trump mocked by.D ***king G? What other doings, like my contempt for the bird shit man who thinks the whole world is against him because he.can't.change his colour and other physical his hair and imagined thick, thick lips! I give up! There's.NO getting past black suspicions! It's fing useless to try! So *** and lives that don't matter to me from now on! Note well my.reneging on my promise to.refrain from the use.of imagined swear words.lile fing.and fk! De kunt! ***king and ***k is better! Now *** ban me from.posting! I.don't and.never gave a ***king.shit-***k!

Hate is cancerous eats away the sense of reasoning ,there is space for all to exist and live their lives .I was brought up in a mixed village ,where everyone respect each other .When migrated choose to live among and invest in a town of earlier American Immigrants ,I don't see color , never consider anyone as superior nor i am superior .I am the only Guyanese among the business class ,there are always assistance from professionals customers and my neighbors when needed.

When looking at Guyana ethnic problems ,we need solutions not the constant harping who have the given right to rule and who are smarter ,both major political parties don't have the solutions ,if it continues ,Guyana will always be a back water country .The wealth should spread across the country for all to benefit .I believe in rotational government not elected dictatorship ,that has always been my position. There are some politicians who are interested in filling their friends, families and their pockets ,they need to be rooted out. Look around today how agencies are packed due to cronyism ,many are silent.
