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Reply to "Bharrat Jagdeo Among World’s Most Evil; Never Again Will Guyana Be Led By A Criminal"

Cobra posted:

Here are some heavy materials against Bharrat Jagdeo. What caught me off guard is the stolen U.S.$8Billion. If true, he get more money than Donald Trump. 

The 400 plus blacks, these jerks are claiming killed by PPP, gets what they deserve , PPP has nothing to do with it. Yes some were innocent but they choose to protect the bandits and stand in the front line pretecting the criminals. Sorry stay out of the way. 

Most or all of you on this site was not in Guyana during this period. I was there , was a victim on several occasion. The story my son wrote was only part of what I experience, I have videos of several attempts to my life and family. The Canadian Government was shown these videos. 

They want to silence us because we provide our vehicle for community policing patrol. The mistake we make was our vehicle had our business name written at the side. We expose ourself but I had no regrets.  

businessmen had to do what was needed to protect their hard earn blood and sweat  and put a stop to the slaughtering of Indians by BLACkS...government was handicap... the police and army was directed from Congress place. 

There are still many sugar workers who are missing from the backland , no one talks about this anymore.  

The same Nigel Hughes was allegedly part of the criminal gang, he should say why he tamper with evidence at Buxton Gas Station on the killing of Brian Hamilton. A buxtonion who was a good man. Why he remove the video from the gas station 

Nigel Hughes , Aubrey Norton, Basil Williams allegedly used to visit the criminals in Buxton. Desmond Hoyte was also there one night. 

Desmond Hoyte attend Linden “ Blackie “ London funeral... the  notorious criminal who’s casket was cover with the Guyana flag. 

Vastie Jagdeo went into Buxton unannounced  during the day, one month after the dust appears to settle with only her driver to provide assistance and help for Buxtonion who always cry for more, they don’t want to work for a honest living ... she was lucky and god protect her that day. 

Granger should appoint a commission of inquiry headed by overseas non Guyanese and the truth will expose the culprits ... but half of Congress place will go down. 
